Saturday 30 April 2011

Exp 2, 1 : clients

The space between, Scientists laps

The scientists

Sir Issac Newton


If I am in the northern hemisphere will my weight be the same

If you drop an apple and feather will it land at the same time

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction

2 objects of the same mass but different surface area have the same maximum velocity

My weight in a dream is different to reality

The physics of a building changes in a dream

Newtown made too much of a big deal out of the falling apple.

Gravitiy has always existed he only gave it a name.

Newtow's universal law of gravitation won't let anyone fly without wings.

Sigmund Freud


Laws of physics don’t apply in dreams

Material collisions have memory

Our level of intelligence is the same in our subconscious mind

Maths is more than numbers in dreams

Can you calculate physiology

Can our subconscious mind understand calculus
Freud's belief that smoking can enhance the capacity to work has probably made many psychiatrists die too young.

The idea that it is possible to cure mental illness by analysing dreams has made people paranoide about dreaming.

Freud's clear mind and conscience aided in analysing the minds of others.

Maria Agnesi


If Isaac Newton is the father of Physics, then Maria Agnesi is the Mother of Mathematics

The rules of calculus apply to the structure of a building

Is there gravity under a curve

Is there gravity in the back of your mind

An entity can be analysed by looking at the smaller parts that it is comprised of

That something is too small to physically exist, does not mean that it does not exist.

Agnesi's knowledge of multiple languages helped connect all the different facets of her life.

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