Sunday 11 September 2011


The Mod folder:

The google sketchup model

3D pure war conceptual video

Final documentary (FULL VERSION) and (TRAILER VERSION)



i know this documentary is fairly long, because ive had too much to put in as i have 4 different types of installations to show: real, virtual, war and peace. Also i have made my own mash up video about my concept pure war.
the installation was fairly various, i didnt want to skip many of them.

One of tutors suggested me what about having the concept real vs virtual and war vs peace together and link them each other.
and so the idea got bigger and deeper.

I chose this light level data graph from Pachube, i thought pure war is strongly connected to one of many common humanity, the conformity. Light level can indicate average man's life activities.That is because people live depends on light level / time frame. The most of people work in the morning like rest of other people do, and not knowing why they do it. In war case, people join an army or protest group because commonly other people do. While daytime gives mans a war period, night time provide man a peace as they sleep or go back to their safe places. I like this black and white concept, when there is light, its a war, when there is dark, its a peace.
i came up with an idea of comparing them by showing mans life through war and peace. then designed mazes which symbolise one's life.
and how real and virtual can be divided?
basically the place shouldnt be the same as real and it should be physically different. so i made the virtual mazes up on high, on sky and made the material see through to make visual distively different.

To get my complicated concept done, i wrote documentary words.

Pure war is invisible
Pure war is human
Pure war is the world that we all live in,

Most of us have experiences of childhood.
Every morning, going to school, the desire to be the best in the class, maybe the smartest or the prettiest.
you cant be one, unless you are better than others.

In reality, every man's life is already a warzone.
Everyone desires to win at every oppourtunity ther have.
Not all can win thats for sure.
In a real war, every man desires one thing. the victory
we fight and fight
and so the war begins..

Humans are born to compete with each other.
and the reality is that we have so many different goals.
this instigates social war, economic war and technological war to name a few.

On the other hand, Peace creates an atmostphere that pushes humanity to be ture.
Home, the place where you can reveal your true self.
The night creates an even playing field, where no man is different where there is no light to high light the rifts in society
less work, less conformity, less obsession, less competition.
This makes the journey to peace easy and fast.

One's personal background is the design for their own inner peace.

Virtuality creates a limitless world within a real world.
This explores the complicated facets of human imagination.
The virtual is a space for unlimited visions with reality cant provide.
it gives 3rd person perspective, control and unlimited technology.

In a world where the boundaries betwen real and virtual are being pushed daily, we lose track of the concept of War&Peace, our daily struggles are surrendered to virtual reality.

the light level data from pachube is used in each maze
it is shown by the heights glowing floor, placement of moving object, placement of moving projecting light and placement of gravity areas.

Maze one : Real, War, Day time.
this symbolise our life where we are actually living in.
everything is physical, we live in warzone.
(light level was used each placement of moving object as time goes.)

maze three : Virtual, Peace, Night time.
this symbolise virtual world where high technology creates a sence of peace to mans.
(light level was used by the heights of glowing floors.)

Maze two : Real, Peace, Night time.
this symbolise real world when night time provides man a peaceful time.
just darkness, slience and emptness.
(light level was used by the placement of moving projecting light.)

Maze four : Virtual, War, Day time.
this symbolise virtual world can create something new from real world, such as gravity.
(light level was used by the placement of gravity areas.)

Documentary by Josh Jung
Edited by Josh Jung
Installation by Josh Jung
Narrative by Josh Bell

main sound track: The cinematic Orchestra - All things to All men


Installation previews


This one looks huge, only because i had so many entities and all i wanted to do was just
hiding it when it starts and unhide by entering a trigger.

it just movement triggers all repeated

particle effect trigger

elevator movement trigger

setting time of day trigger

i have about 30 flowgraphs, mainly area triggers, all slightly different.



Pachube light level data graph

I chose this light level data graph from Pachube, i thought pure war is strongly connected to one of many common humanity, the conformity. Light level can indicate average man's life activities.That is because people live depends on light level / time frame. The most of people work in the morning like rest of other people do, and not knowing why they do it. In war case, people join an army or protest group because commonly other people do.