Sunday 27 March 2011

8. Sections of final buildings

I chose Banksy and Rob Mueck for my experiment 1 assingment.
Word for Banksy is Communicating and Word for Rob Mueck is Connected.

Above Building (Banksy, Communicating)
i designed 6 different levels with different curvy cuts to show some sort of movement,
which i thought it might show they are communicating to each others.
And because of the different curvy cuts and see through walls, it gives heaps of different outview
which provides interaction with nature, communicating with nature.
i have used 2 stairs for above building. Triangle stairs (explained on previous post) helps communicating through over view sights with visual things. 
and 'two different height stairs' provides circulation, which also can be meant communicating themself, taking other side if one coming on the side.

Below building ( Rob Mueck, Connected)

i designed below building walled to be connected to each others 
(looks like the pointy side of walls are grabbing each others)
The stairs it self are all connected as a one thing.
Not like Above building, i wanted to have one big place on below building to show the connection

In between gallery level is also a one big open place, which provides the connection between levels and communicating between levels and the indoor and outdoor

7. animation

Please click the link in order to view animations

No1 animation

No2 animation

No3 Section animation

6. The progress. From the scratch to the final building.

5. Simple Drafts of Studio

No. 1 Draft of Studio

No. 2 Draft of Studio

No. 3 Draft of Studio

No.4 Draft of Studio

No.5 Draft of Studio

4. Used textures

No.4 Textures

Saturday 26 March 2011

3. Designs of stairs

No.1 Stairs

I thought about circulation on stairs.
how can people could walk up and down stairs effectively without any confusions choosing side when someone else are already on stairs walking down or up.
Because there are two slightly different heights on stairs, 
it kidda asks us to choose one or the other side, instead of walk through middle side.

No 2. Stairs

i wanted to have some sort of organic shape of a pole on side which lead stairs with a curvy walk way 
to make people interesting while they walk up and down the stairs.

No. 3 Stairs

i wondered what if the stairs arent rectangular but still not curved.
so an idea of triangle shape of stairs came up.
I designed to have a large space on each triangle points to give some space to people so they can stand they and see sight views while they walk up and down this stairs

No.4 Stairs

this time i thought about this idea that 
people cant notice the difference of the shape of stairs 
while they walk up and down the stairs.
you can see this organic out line shapes on side
but when you are actually on stairs, you cant tell if it is different shape.