Wednesday 9 November 2011

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Mod folder :

Key uses:
Key P and O : xml data, scales -> changes heights of buildings and numbers of windmill
Key L : makes windmills rotate clockwise
Key K : makes windmills rotate anti-clockwise
Key J : pauses windmills rotating.
Key N : pachube xml wget -> changes movement of glowing balls.

Model :

Research Tutorial - Pachube XML File (math less) and Rotate/Glow/Pause

Because this tutorial is dealing with a combination of 3 different flowgraphs,
 In order to do this tutorial, you should have done following links tutorials:

Ros's reading pachube xml tutorial

Vinh's Changing Material Parameters tutorial

This tutorial is to show how to use math less method with pachube xml file
in order to rotate & glow and pause with their values.
if value are more than 20, it glows and rotates.
if value are less than 20, it stop glowing and pause.
Combination of 'reading Pachube XML file', 'Parameter glow' and 'rotation'. (glow/pause/rotate)

I had bad quality screen recorder so i've attached the flowgraph
and a video of what its doing as well as the tutorial

Final: The Analytics Engine.

I wanted to use 2 different data from the start. one Fixed data and one live data from Pachube.
The analytics engine that read past and live.
The global financial data was used as a fixed data, and light sensor data from pachube as a live data.
However, the live data wasnt longer live. i had to edit the values which were quite disappointing.

Global Financial Data

I learnt from vinh's temperature tutorial, to make own xml file and make the objects scales up from the value.
All values were used from the global financial data in my xml file.
It makes a basic look of a graph. As the scale(graph) goes up, it changes the levels(heights) of the Buildings.
Basically global financial data shows the suitable size of building.
Also the xml file changes numbers of windmills.

Pachube Live data
(since its not live anymore, ive made my own values from the data)

the live pachube data was used in glowing balls which represents electricity(energy).
if the live data value is more than 20, the three glowing balls around buildings, goes up and the glow ball around windmill moves towards to the city in order to supply energy to the buildings.
if the live data value is less than 20, the glowing balls around buildings goes down and the glow ball around the windmill moves backwards from the city in order to recharge(gain) the energy.

(Value 20 is an example value of maximum electricity to the building in order to run)

the three glowing balls around buildings are used as parameter glow to windows and walls in the buildings.
Therefore as the glowing balls gets closer, the windows and walls in the buildings glow.
the glowing ball around windmill is used as parameter rotate to windmill fans.
Therefore As the glowing ball gets closer, the fans rotate faster.
When both data are played, it shows suitable size of the buildings and the suitable amount of energy needed for the size of building. and it shows the suitable numbers of windmills in order to supply the energy.

This installation is to show how important the links amongst money, electricity and buildings are.

Conceptual Relationship  Diagram



Glow Parameter
As an object get closer, it glows

Rotate Parameter
As an object or a character get closer, it rotates faster

Rotate with keys
J key pauses the rotation
K key rotates clockwise
L key rotates unclockwise.

Make an object scales up by reading xml
(made my own xml from vinhs tut)
and Also as it scales, it hides and unhides objects

Full size of previous flowgraph

Pachube xml movement.
it uses pachube xml, and if the data is more than 20, it will move the object up.
and if the data is less than 20, it will move the object down.

Tuesday 8 November 2011

3 x 30s Videos

Rotate Parameter

XML Scale objects and Hide/Unhide objects

Pachube XML Mathless Rotate and Pause objects

The Concept of Analytics Engine

No more fuel, oils -> investment on natural resources (solar energy, wind energy..)
Global financial crisis -> no more waste )

I had this idea from the start, an Analytic Engines that connects between Globalisation(financial) and buildings
so that the buildings can be affordable and to build new one suitable to the current economic.
I also thought it would be more useful to combine two different data, the main factors(the main influences to buildings)
such as a natural resources data & a global financial data or global financial data & some sort of pollution data.
(Buildings for current economy and environment, minimalism)
Beside there isn't any live global financial data on pachube, it encouraged me to use two dat, one fixed data and one live data.
From student research, i thought i came up with an idea that instead of number of people creates more light, to show how the light data (electricity) influence on different heights of buildings.

The concept of this Analytics engine is to understand the current global finance and the rate of energy uses.
It is to show the maximum levels(heights) of the buildings which responded from the Global Financial data.
so that investors or buyers can visualise the most adoptable and suitable size buildings from current Global Economy are required. (it will give architects some limits for the current economy)
also it is to see the potential development on existing buildings in the future.

Its also to shows the energy uses in the building which responded from the Pachube live electricity data. so that Government or investors can visualise the most suitable amount of development on natural resources are required, in order to keep existing cities, buildings or even future buildings for their energy uses.

S.W.O.T Analysis of Pachube Feed

- Creating Space with Light, Pachube feed from 2nd year, ARCH1391

"The sense of space is created using light. The number of people entering and leaving a room directly correlates to the floor area which is lit up. As more people enter the room the lit floor area increases. As more of the floor area lights up the concept of a larger space is created."

no longer Live.

S.W.O.T Analysis

Creating Space with light: It is quite useful and creative idea that space responds to the number of people and create more space and more light. this idea has good potential to develop further and used in real life. It gets people more sense of comforts as they are still able to have spaces from other people.

It definitely has more to consider such as what kidda of place would it suits.
of course it will make interior of the place quite simple and As it creates more space, how would it handle with weights of people, the movement of floor and placement of furnitures. this idea can be easily replaced by using room dividers and auto window shutter.
personally i don't need using sensors are necessary but using manual remote in order to extend space.

It can be used in public area such as toilets or wedding reception places etc.
its like give people some limits of use spaces depends on the number of people.
for example no point of having a large toilet on sunday night as there wont be many people.
it will be useful to use this idea, creative space in toilet area.

when it decreases due to small numbers of people, it might isolate people to one side.
also there are some possibility of unsafety from movements of walls and floors.

SEMESTER 2, BENV 2423 A2 - The Analytics Engine.

Sunday 11 September 2011


The Mod folder:

The google sketchup model

3D pure war conceptual video

Final documentary (FULL VERSION) and (TRAILER VERSION)



i know this documentary is fairly long, because ive had too much to put in as i have 4 different types of installations to show: real, virtual, war and peace. Also i have made my own mash up video about my concept pure war.
the installation was fairly various, i didnt want to skip many of them.

One of tutors suggested me what about having the concept real vs virtual and war vs peace together and link them each other.
and so the idea got bigger and deeper.

I chose this light level data graph from Pachube, i thought pure war is strongly connected to one of many common humanity, the conformity. Light level can indicate average man's life activities.That is because people live depends on light level / time frame. The most of people work in the morning like rest of other people do, and not knowing why they do it. In war case, people join an army or protest group because commonly other people do. While daytime gives mans a war period, night time provide man a peace as they sleep or go back to their safe places. I like this black and white concept, when there is light, its a war, when there is dark, its a peace.
i came up with an idea of comparing them by showing mans life through war and peace. then designed mazes which symbolise one's life.
and how real and virtual can be divided?
basically the place shouldnt be the same as real and it should be physically different. so i made the virtual mazes up on high, on sky and made the material see through to make visual distively different.

To get my complicated concept done, i wrote documentary words.

Pure war is invisible
Pure war is human
Pure war is the world that we all live in,

Most of us have experiences of childhood.
Every morning, going to school, the desire to be the best in the class, maybe the smartest or the prettiest.
you cant be one, unless you are better than others.

In reality, every man's life is already a warzone.
Everyone desires to win at every oppourtunity ther have.
Not all can win thats for sure.
In a real war, every man desires one thing. the victory
we fight and fight
and so the war begins..

Humans are born to compete with each other.
and the reality is that we have so many different goals.
this instigates social war, economic war and technological war to name a few.

On the other hand, Peace creates an atmostphere that pushes humanity to be ture.
Home, the place where you can reveal your true self.
The night creates an even playing field, where no man is different where there is no light to high light the rifts in society
less work, less conformity, less obsession, less competition.
This makes the journey to peace easy and fast.

One's personal background is the design for their own inner peace.

Virtuality creates a limitless world within a real world.
This explores the complicated facets of human imagination.
The virtual is a space for unlimited visions with reality cant provide.
it gives 3rd person perspective, control and unlimited technology.

In a world where the boundaries betwen real and virtual are being pushed daily, we lose track of the concept of War&Peace, our daily struggles are surrendered to virtual reality.

the light level data from pachube is used in each maze
it is shown by the heights glowing floor, placement of moving object, placement of moving projecting light and placement of gravity areas.

Maze one : Real, War, Day time.
this symbolise our life where we are actually living in.
everything is physical, we live in warzone.
(light level was used each placement of moving object as time goes.)

maze three : Virtual, Peace, Night time.
this symbolise virtual world where high technology creates a sence of peace to mans.
(light level was used by the heights of glowing floors.)

Maze two : Real, Peace, Night time.
this symbolise real world when night time provides man a peaceful time.
just darkness, slience and emptness.
(light level was used by the placement of moving projecting light.)

Maze four : Virtual, War, Day time.
this symbolise virtual world can create something new from real world, such as gravity.
(light level was used by the placement of gravity areas.)

Documentary by Josh Jung
Edited by Josh Jung
Installation by Josh Jung
Narrative by Josh Bell

main sound track: The cinematic Orchestra - All things to All men


Installation previews


This one looks huge, only because i had so many entities and all i wanted to do was just
hiding it when it starts and unhide by entering a trigger.

it just movement triggers all repeated

particle effect trigger

elevator movement trigger

setting time of day trigger

i have about 30 flowgraphs, mainly area triggers, all slightly different.



Pachube light level data graph

I chose this light level data graph from Pachube, i thought pure war is strongly connected to one of many common humanity, the conformity. Light level can indicate average man's life activities.That is because people live depends on light level / time frame. The most of people work in the morning like rest of other people do, and not knowing why they do it. In war case, people join an army or protest group because commonly other people do.

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Exp 3. 10 Downloads and Video

Crysis Environment download:

Final Video

Story: Lady Gaga and Jonathan Ives is going to have a meeting on top roof of Empire State building to discuss about their future combined designs.
Each client gets picked up in a helicopter from where their studio is located (outside of NYC, at each end side of the bridge) to go to the meeting place. Because the helicopters cannot land on the building.
They have to stop by on the top roof of the bridge where their custom designed elevators are located. Each customized elevators take clients to the top level of Empire State building.

(1hr encoding time due to the High quality formats but its still a shit quality.)

Exp 3. 9. Final images

The idea of Power from the two client (Jonathan Ives and Lady Gaga) 
that ive tried to explore was their strong recognition, acceptance and awareness from the public.
Firstly I chose New York City, not only because it is the Lady Gaga's origin city and Jonathan Ives is currently living there, because New York City is the one of cities which create the worlds culture every seconds. I thought those two clients bridge has to be easily visualised, strongly recognised and influential to the users. This idea got me to have the bridge goes over the New York City from one island to another (about 5k long), Similar height to State Empire Building (about 350m), Multi-levels for New York City traffic circulation (which also can mean those two clients are able to control the public). In order to do that, i had to design the entire New York City which will give the powerful background for the bridge, beside New York City is the most chosen landscape by students, it wont be good unless someone do differently.
Additionally i tried the best to make this environment looks realistic to reinforce the fact that those two clients' power is real.
I designed Jonathan's Apple store by 3Ds Max software to create minimal organic shape that i've developed by learning about Jonathan's design and his mind set. Through 3Ds Max, it got me wasted load of time since i had big issues with importing it to Crysis war.
Lady Gaga's initial studio was made in 3Ds Max as well but it came to the point that i have to give up on it as the object Ive designed wont be imported neither sketchup and crysis war. The new one is hers studio/gallery building that i designed in Sketchup. The images of herself in the gallery provides her own contemporary fashion taste and her cultural identity which has been powerfully influenced the public.
Those two studios for each client are located at the end of the bridge each side, under the bridge on the ground level. so technically their studios arent on the bridge but i did that on purpose to say that they are just ordinary people like us. Their skills and ideas might be powerful but they are just people. 

5 arent enough since my map is massive and much to show.

Exp 3. 8. Elevators and a Table.

Jonathan's Elevator

Made in 3Ds Max
I personally think that Jonathan has power through his ideas of designing Apple products.
 I've researched what would be his main keys for designing.
Simplicity, Functionality and uniqueness.
so it came up with organic shape with a transparent part pushed inside,
where you can see through down when it moves as an unique function.

all together

Lady Gaga's Elevator
I think Lady Gaga's power is much about communication visually.
so I thought wherever client stands in the elevator, it should be shown from outside.
The elevator has 2 triangle shape sides where you can see through,
which can works as a display window to show her fashion style to public.


Elevators and the meeting places
If you are wondering how would two clients get up on the top roof of the bridge to take an elevator, there is a helicopter sitting just out side of their each studio.
so each of them get picked up by a helicopter to the top roof and go to the meeting place (Empire State Building), as helicopters aren't able to land on the building.

Gaga's elevator is located on the left side, top roof of the bridge.

Ives's elevator is located on the right side, top roof of the bridge.

Their meeting place with a table is located on the top roof of Empire State building.

Why is meeting place up on top level of Empire State Building.
I wanted to portray that these two clients think everything differently with their power.
so like, the way they dress, the way they design.
I tried to transform that into my environment design.
: the way they take helicopters to the bridge, 
the way elevators are set up on the bridge to the meeting place and
the way the meeting place is located on the top roof of Empire State building.
It can be only done because they are powerfully creative, rich and unique.